Automatic integration with your Stripe account
We'll take care of it
Running your product using Stripe billing? Your integration just got easier!
Automated Tracking
All of your subscriptions and payments are synced with Uppercut in seconds.
One-Click Integration
It just takes you one click to integrate with us – and maybe a line of code.
Zero Cost
The integration, like so many parts of Uppercut, comes to you at no cost.
Stripe Connect
We use Stripe Connect for a secure and verified method to connecting to your account.
Refund Management
Refunds are automatically tracked, and their connected commissions are automatically rejected.
How are the marketers vetted?
Our team must approve each marketer that joins the network. As part of the approval process, we'll for example check the channels used for marketing, and will also ask for past performance reports from other programs and networks.
How do pricing and payouts work exactly?
Using the Uppercut software for your program is entirely free. Being part of the network is also free (although this is limited to the first 100 programs). When a sale is being made through one of your own affiliates – we call them BYO – it costs you nothing (except the actual commission paid to the affiliate). If a sale is made through one of our network affiliates, we'll pay the commission to the affiliate, and will also charge 20% of the commission sum as our own network fee.
Can I run Uppercut besides other referral software?
Certainly. Even though Uppercut in itself is a complete referral management software, our tracker will run besides any other software you may already use.
Can I bring my own affiliates?
Absolutely! We have plenty of tools that allow you to import your existing affiliate program. We'll help you with onboarding and payouts to make sure the transition is smooth and unproblematic.
Are you GDPR-compliant?
Yes, our tracking software is fully GDPR-compliant and hosted on EU servers.